Let the night breeze send away yesterday’s dreams | Sarah LAI Cheuk Wah

Producer: Sui Qun
Artists: Sarah LAI Cheuk Wah
Address: 403 International Art Centre·No.33 Baotong Temple Road, Wuhan,China


When re-watching past advertisements on the Internet, I always fnd the narratives of “good things” are constructed in very delicate and thoughtful ways. It makes me speculate that people in the past had strong will and passion for the yet to come future, so they were able to spend so much effort to describe the good things they wished for with the advertising production.

One of those images that especially attracts me, and stays in my head, is the long black hair in the shampoo
advertisements. In order to represent the soft sensation,the advertisements were set up with a different kind of stage, color, music, and tender hand gestures compared to what is seen nowadays. Somehow the shampoo advertisements from the past make me have a feeling like watching the ocean – like the hair is blowing by the sea breeze and fows gently. The hair shine moves like waves. The black color has a sense of subtleness; its refection like moonlight in darkness. The brisk background music sounds like the tide and I feel like I can nearly smell the ocean. And then, after watching the advertisements, the beautiful plots play out in reality. It seems to make people believe that they can have such nice and glistening hair and they hold onto this good wish.

Through the work series Let the night breeze send away yesterday’s dreams, I use different medias: include painting, installation, videos, digital printing and light to set and create the sensation and charm of the long black hair in my min.



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