At Home: Shen Xin’s Solo Exhibition

At Home: Shen Xin’s Solo Exhibition
Oct.24 – Sep.24.2016
Surplus Space | Wuhan


The exhibition brings together recent video and film works by the artist, guided by reflections of the need for “home” and the state of being “at home”. Viewing home as the frontline , the thinking process involved in the works presented explores the possibilities to resist at the site of home. Within the radicality of the academic, feminism in social media, and LGBTQ movements across polarised contexts, home is desired. Although the desire for home is faced with the violence of assimilation. The individual and collective who are generally objectified, and those who seemed to have been elevated from the language of objectification are schematised within a homogeneous space.Home,under such disintegration, becomes inefficient. “At Home” points to a state where need and resistance have start to be manifested.



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